Thursday, March 12, 2009

Story time. what i have done in Nz till now

ohhhhh man. OK so. Plane ride to NZ went just fine. Dave dropped me off at the airport in LA after a 4 day stay with him. The flight over was super cool because you could choose from over 80 movies to watch, wine was free, and there were 2 hot meals served, good flight. Customs and the bus ride to Hamilton went just fine. The drive down to Hamilton was something completely new, i had my eyes opened to a new world. The drive consisted of rolling green hills, the greenest you have ever seen, the kind you seen in movies where you just want to go run around and roll down them. In Hamilton i was dropped of at a hostel where i spent the next 4 days and met some cool people. The hostel was super nice and was very cozy, besides the fact that i was in a room with 3 other people. at the hostel i met my 4 roommates, 2 from Umd (who i have never talked to before) and 2 from Germany. During the course of our stay at the hostel, i walked no less than 40 miles, and that may be an underestimate. It was back and forth to the uni (3 miles each way) many times, walking to town, and walking for two straight days looking for a flat. Finding a flat was quite tedious. For 3 days we looked online at several sights looking for somewhere in the area, the problem was that we needed it furnished because we have nothing with us, and furnished houses are far and few. During 3 days of looking and 2 days of walking we finally found a couple suitable places. Those got knocked down to 2, 1 that was willing to let us sign right away but was a rather beat up (fully furnished) house, and the second house was one we really wanted but we couldn't get a hold of the landlord. We decided to just walk to the house and see if there was a number there that we could call but that proved futile. While we we just hanging around, we met some super cool guys from across the street that we are now good friends with. we finally got the landlords number from a neighbor but had to wait for the next day to talk to him. Meanwhile our other house was getting anxious for us to sign and we kept delaying the signing until we at least heard from the house we really wanted! It came down to the landlord form the house we wanted called us an hour before we were to sign with the crap house. we were able to close the deal on the nice house and that is where we are now. very tedious and stressful but we are all thankful it worked out. Since moving in, we just took a couple days to set up our house and got to meeting a lot of people. 3 days later uni started and that first week was crazy.The first week of uni here is called "O - Week" and it is basically the biggest party week of the year. all the bars and clubs in town throw super big theme parties, have super good drink specials, and give away heaps of prizes. there is also heaps of tents and giveaways around the university the whole week. Just crazy. Otherwise school is cool. i am talking ecology, photography, and fundamental of animal behavior. All my classes are super cool and i am meeting cool people in them. That is the starting point for me and where i am now.The first weekend (this past weekend) we went to lake taupo and "mordor" for 2 days. Just yesterday went to a beach on the east coast, but both of those will have there own blogs and pictures. Well that should be it for general info, and most other stuff will be added in blogs to come. I am glad to be here and have absolutely loved everyday since the plane landed! Ask questions, I'm sure i left stuff out that you want to know! take care.

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